Break the cycle of blame in your early childcare center

Use our free, step-by-step guide to shift the culture of blame to a culture of personal responsibility & accountability. 

Give your staff the skills and tools to take ownership & accountability of problems, instead of leaning on blame.

When staff is faced with a struggle, a crisis or something goes wrong…

... they will typically respond in 1 of the 4 ways: 

     - Crying
     - Blaming
     - Deflection
     - Victimhood 

I call these the 4 Shields.

As a school leader, you desire to create a culture of personal responsibility and ownership.

When challenges or mistakes inevitably happen, your team needs to be empowered with the right skills and tools so they don’t resort to blaming. But, without the right roadmap, this can feel like an uphill battle.

Why is this?

Most people’s instinct to blame is an impulsive reaction to feeling attacked. It helps people hide their mistakes and shift the responsibility to others. Equally, judgment and criticism cause us to lose sight of empathy, and the vicious cycle continues. 

These feelings don’t need to be impulsive and out of our control. Instead, in this free guide, show you what we can control!

This is why we have provided a step-by-step process to help you shift a culture of blame to a culture of accountability. 

The creator of this free guide, Chanie Wilschanski, has applied over a decade worth of experience working with students, teachers, and directors to build the Schools of Excellence Method. 

Chanie will teach you the skills to think with your brain and your heart so you can show up as a stronger, wiser, and faster leader. 

Remember, where there is blame, there is no learning.

 As teachers, educators, and leaders, we have the responsibility to foster environments of learning, and it begins with ourselves.

Let us adopt the culture of accountability to set the best example for the next generation.

Hi, my name is Chanie Wilschanski!

I teach early childcare leaders to build schools of excellence. How do I do this? By diagnosing the root cause of struggles and helping owners and directors develop leadership skills, routines, and habits and an understanding of the ripple effect of how they show up every day. 

How do I do this? I diagnose the root cause of struggles and help owners and directors develop leadership skills, routines, and habits. These build around an understanding of the ripple effect of how they show up every day. 

Our free, step-by-step guide will give you the tools you need to create more ownership and less blame among staff at your school. Using role play examples, you will feel empowered to facilitate more productive conversations, focusing on what you CAN do to overcome instances of displaced responsibility.

Discover how to turn a culture of blame into a culture of accountability

Download our free step-by-step guide now.

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